Circle of Fury

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Film Info:
Release Date: 2010
Starring: Randy Spence, Adonis Williams and Christina Rose
Genres: Action
Quality: DVDRip
Size: 350MB
Release Runtime: 01:30:46


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-= Sinopsis =-
Screen Shoot
Johnny Brown (Randy Spence) is a former Army ranger who has returned from the war in Iraq. Living on the streets, he peddles just to earn a penny. When he sees a purse snatcher rob local girl Wanda (Anatoli Grek), Johnny beats the robber to a pulp and returns her purse. However, he runs into Tariq (Adonis Williams), an old childhood friend who has made a name for himself in two things: drug dealing and underground fighting. He offers Johnny to run his rundown gym and Johnny decides to turn it into a mixed martial arts school.
When business isn’t as good as it seems, Tariq introduces Johnny to the “Circle of Fury”, an underground fight ring Tariq runs at night. When Johnny is forced to fight a drunken fighter named Willie (Lazzarus), Johnny uses his martial arts skills to beat Willie. Soon, business starts booming for Johnny. However, with success comes with a price. Tariq forces Johnny to fight in the Circle of Fury and allow his drug business to continue at the school. It gets to a point where Johnny has had enough. When Wanda is kidnapped, Johnny discovers a tape that reveals all of Tariq’s activities. Now, former childhood friends must do battle in the “Circle of Fury” to settle the score.

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